What is IVES™?
Infrahealth® Insurance Verification & Eligibility System™ (IVES™) is a web based solution developed by Infrahealth® Insurance Verification and Eligibility System™, Inc. that facilitates the verification process in a time saving and efficient manner. IVES™ staff specializes in making the calls to the insurance payers, on your behalf, to get all the details necessary for proper reimbursement. We are more than just simple eligibility from payer or clearinghouse websites or Interactive Voice Response (IVR). IVES™ specializes in the detailed verifications needed for higher level services where procedural information makes the difference between payment and denial. IVES™ technology is developed using WSE (3.0), SQL 2005 and ASP.NET 2.0. Infrahealth® Insurance Verification and Eligibility System™, Inc. develops software solutions for health care payers and health care providers.
IVES™ should be part of your Standard Workflow!
Many claims are denied on first pass to the insurance carrier as a result of the patient not having active coverage, or some other piece of information that one can obtain from an eligibility check.
The best time to perform an eligibility check is when the appointment is made. If the patient’s insurance status can be determined at this early stage of the process, potential problems can be handled well before the patient arrives for their visit. Even if the eligibility has to be performed at the time the patient arrives for their visit, the verification can be done STAT by making individual or batch requests directly through our system.
IVES™ is a scalable solution that can interface with your Practice Management System or EMR so that when an appointment is added, we can automatically trigger a check. In any case many issues that arise can be addressed immediately with the patient standing right there.
If your practice requires numerous telephone calls for insurance verifications…
REDUCE it to ONE … Call Infrahealth® IVES™