Why should I subscribe to IVES™?
- We make the time consuming phone calls to the payers on your behalf.
- Customized verification forms at no additional charge according to your specifications.
- Pre Authorization, Referral checking, Pre certification available.
- Turn-around time in less than 24 hours – STAT in less than 4 hours.
- Sophisticated web based platform – NO software installation required.
- Unlimited user ids for no additional charge.
- Integration with all scheduling systems available at no additional charge.
- Integration with all billing systems available at no additional charge.
- Share benefits with Billing staff Online.
- Automatic Fax for Referrals.
Also available
- Vast Search Capability.
- Audit Trail Available Instantly.
- Automatic scanning and data collection of patient insurance card available.
- Vast reporting capability – customized to your at no additional charge.

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